The SEISCOPE consortium aims to develop research projects around high-resolution seismic imaging using the full waveform content.

Our research topics are associated with:

  • full waveform modeling
  • full waveform inversion with various topics: multi-parameters reconstructions, non-linear optimisation, particular waves consideration, applications in various environments at different scales, misfit function design
  • initial model building
  • other geophysical methods: diffusive EM, GPR ...

The SEISCOPE project started in 2006. You can find bellow the specific details of the first SEISCOPE project (2006-2011) and the current one (2013-)


During the past decades, full waveform inversion (FWI) has federated a lot of innovative researches in the field of quantitative seismic imaging. Today, 3D FWI has been shown to be feasible to build high-resolution velocity models of the subsurface. These high-resolution velocity models can be used as improved background models for reverse-time migration and other migration techniques but also as quantitative information for structural interpretation of the subsurface. FWI as well as (…)

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